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Human Resource Machine is the Nerdís Puzzler

Human Resource Machine is the Nerdís Puzzler

Vote: (1 votes)

Program license: Paid

Developer: Tomorrow Corporation

Version: 2016

Works under: Windows

Also available for Android


Program license

(1 votes)




Tomorrow Corporation


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Human Resource Machine is a unique puzzle game that stands out in the ever-growing category of casual gaming, particularly on platforms that are overwhelmed by titles focused on speed and graphics. This game, available on Windows, cleverly incorporates elements of programming into its puzzle-based gameplay, making it both educational and entertaining.

Be the Overlord of Office Automation

As the gameplay unfolds in Human Resource Machine, players are propelled into the monotonous world of corporate drones. However, unlike the dreary routine it might suggest, the game turns the tables by empowering you with the role of a taskmaster. Your mission is to orchestrate a team of office workers by devising and structuring programs that direct their actions.

The objective is deceptively simple—complete the tasks set forth by the upper management. Yet, as you delve deeper, you realize it demands a nuanced understanding of fundamental programming logic. The tasks transform into complex coding challenges where every instruction dictates the success or failure of your corporate peons.

Vivid Presentation Meets Sharp Wit

Although Human Resource Machine portrays an uninspired office milieu, the game is visually pleasing thanks to its quaint, stylized artwork. The game's environment is replete with whimsical characters and drab backdrops that serve as a stark, humorous jab at the corporate rat race.

The graphical interface, on the other hand, is anything but drab. With its clean and intuitive design, it eases players into the intricacies of programming. As such, the game doubles as a rudimentary programming tutorial, presenting the core principles of algorithms and problem-solving in a digestible and engaging format.

A Puzzler with a Programming Twist

The brilliance of Human Resource Machine lies in its novel approach. By wrapping the fundamentals of programming in a game's cloak, it transcends mainstream puzzle-solving and resource management games. It's designed to resonate with those who have an affinity for logic and coding, but its charm isn't lost on the layman. There's a certain thrill in effectively “programming” your workers, and in witnessing the machine of your creation come to life.

One cannot ignore the educational value that naturally stems from the game's mechanics. As players progress, they inadvertently learn about loops, conditions, and the sequential nature of programming languages. The game presents these concepts not through intimidating walls of code, but through logical sequencing that feels more like solving puzzles than writing scripts.

Considerations for Potential Programmers

While Human Resource Machine boasts creativity and intellectual stimulation, there is a trade-off in its accessibility. The pricing might veer toward the higher end for a puzzle game of its nature, which can be a point of consideration for those used to the myriad of inexpensive or free games at their disposal. Furthermore, as players advance, the difficulty ramps up, posing a potentially steep learning curve for those unacquainted with programming logic. Nevertheless, for those who revel in cerebral challenges, the game offers ample satisfaction.


  • Innovative gameplay that incorporates basic programming concepts
  • Engaging and educational for both programmers and non-programmers
  • Charming, stylized graphics that add to the game's satirical tone
  • Intuitive interface that eases players into complex problem-solving


  • The price point may be high compared to other casual puzzle games
  • Possibly steep learning curve for those without a background in programming

In conclusion, Human Resource Machine reinvents the puzzle genre with a fresh, programming-centric twist. Its educational value, coupled with its satirical take on office life, makes it a standout title that presents both a mental workout and a humorous escape. It challenges players not just to play a game, but to think like programmers, and in doing so, provides a uniquely rewarding experience.